Team Optimization

The most effective teams boldly look into the mirror, honestly assess their work behavior and results, and with humility seek ways to optimize their performance.

What Makes CRC Different?

The Change Ready Teams℠ Process

  • A research-informed assessment to provide a current and future-state gap analysis
  • A repeat measure approach to track progress over time and heighten accountability
  • A structured group status process to maintain focus and create opportunity for team problem-solving
  • Leader advisement to maintain focus and provide supplemental coaching

Additional Team Offerings

Custom solutions to address your team's unique needs

Team Launch

To expedite performance following a change in team members, structure, or purpose, this process clarifies:

  • Stakeholder expectations
  • Team purpose, norms, and vision
  • Strategic objectives and goals
  • Roles, responsibilities, and interdependencies
  • Meeting structure (e.g., focus, frequency, attendees)
  • Alignment on communications, decision-making, workflow, and accountability

Leadership Meetings

Design and facilitation of your most important meetings and offsites.

  • Working with internal partners to shape outcomes and understand team dynamics
  • Creative session design to engage, achieve objectives, and create a post-event success process
  • Expert facilitation to keep on task, or to adjust in real time based on team dynamics

Leader Journey Lines

An intensive process where team members share their respective leadership journey timelines, speeding up the "get to know you" process.

  • Highlights life and work lessons that shaped them
  • Increases understanding of self and team members

New Leader Assimilation

A process to accelerate new leader onboarding.

  • Aligns leaders and their teams on mutual expectations
  • Creates an understanding of work styles
  • Surfaces concerns and potential pitfalls
  • Promotes candor and transparency 
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