Leader Coaching

The Coaching Process

In reality, the coaching process is quite similar across consultancies. Although there might be different labels or an accentuation of certain aspects of this process, the basic flow is the same.

Like other aspects of business, it is the execution of this process and its component parts that can be the difference between little change and a true transformation of performance. 

Well-rounded coaches who possess business savvy, assessment expertise, and who understand the underlying mechanisms of behavior change will ultimately deliver the best results.

What makes CRC different?

  • Unparalleled assessment expertise that uncovers critical focus areas, resulting in a valid coaching plan
  • Business savvy developed over decades to inform context and ensure the coaching delivers personal change in the service of business outcomes
  • Professional integrity to maintain proper boundaries and confidentiality - Coaching is not "Life coaching", therapy, or providing business advice
  • Incorporating behavioral, cognitive, and metacognitive techniques grounded in psychological research to create enduring change

Additional Leader Offering

Conflict Mediation

Conflict in the workplace is inevitable and when dealt with constructively leads to healthy and productive relationships.  When not handled well and allowed to fester, it can create untenable dynamics that spread beyond the individuals to teams and even entire functions.  Conflict Mediation is an intensive process that goes beyond traditional training on conflict resolution models.  This approach creates a contract and contingency planning related to 4-factors that relate to root-cause:

  • Dynamics
  • Behaviors
  • Roles
  • Values
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Selecting a Coach

When deciding about whether to engage in a coaching engagement, and what coach to select, the Coaching Checklist can be used to ensure the right choice.

Coaching Checklist

When deciding about whether to engage in a coaching engagement, and what coach to select, the following questions should all be answered in the affirmative:

  • Is the organization committed to the coachee, and their development?
  • Is the manager of the coachee willing to actively engage in the process?
  • Does the coachee acknowledge that they have areas for improvement and could benefit from coaching?
  • Is the coachee committed to the time and effort required to benefit from the process?
  • Are the manager and coachee aligned on high-level development targets?
  • Is the coaching process clearly defined (e.g., a documented coaching plan, timeframes, and specified number of sessions)?
  • Does the coaching process provide a basis for evaluating progress (i.e., Measurable outcomes)?
  • Does the coach possess satisfactory business savvy?
  • Does the coach possess satisfactory assessment expertise?
  • Are the assessment tools valid for the identified objectives?
  • Can the coach explain the underlying mechanisms of behavior change that guide their approach?

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